
Archive for July, 2008|Monthly archive page

8th Ask Josh – Cardboard Clothing

In Uncategorized on July 30, 2008 at 8:03 am

Sam said…
Dear Josh,Is a cardboard box considered clothing? If so, in what regions?


Dear Sam,

A cardboard box is not clothing, but it has many times been my clothing. When you talk about regions it becomes more difficult to be specific.

My personal history with cardboard clothing goes back to my childhood when we first started playing paintball as brothers. We didn’t know how badly a paintball would hurt until after we had purchased our guns online and were unable to track down the seller to ask for a refund. So we sought out to build armor. It consisted mostly of cardboard boxes packed with pillows and cardboard wrapped around our arms with plastic soda bottle with the ends cut off to hold the cardboard armor in place.

As elaborate and as knightly our armor appeared, the high speed gelatinous projectiles were nevertheless as painful as ever, and I have since retired from the sport and sold all appurtenances thereto.

One of the first affluential people to ever don paper products was of course, the Paper Bag Princess.

You ask in what regions is a cardboard box considered clothing, well, this isn’t exactly cardboard. But if you look carefully, it seems to be considered clothing over the region of the shoulders and lower mid-section.

If you look at the prophetic, futuresque clothing of the year 2000 as portrayed in Flight of the Conchords, you will see that in the future year of 2000 in the regions of New York and New Zealand, and perhaps every other region with the word “New” at the beginning, such as New Hampshire, New Brunswick, New Jersey, New England, New Spice, Newhampton, Newkinghamshire, the New World, and suchlike.

I hope this has been an enlightening to your otherwise ambiguous (and stinky) question. In summation, a cardboard box is clothing over the anatomical “region” of whatever would be considered indecent if exposed in public, it does not count as clothing if on arms as I mentioned earlier in the paintball story. If on arms, it is armor. If on legs, it is legor. If on feet, it would be considered shoes by Howard Hughes only. For geographical regions it would be considered clothing anywhere with New in the name. For time, it can only be considered clothing if it is in the future, preferrably the year 2000.

7th Ask Josh – Quotations

In Uncategorized on July 28, 2008 at 12:02 pm

Kelda – how do you store your amazing quotes?


Dear Kelda,

I keep my quotations stored on GoogleDocs. Some fellow bloggers, to name a few Cincinnatus, LyssaKissa, and DRock have been working on compilation or quotations open to the public.

I call it the Uber Quotation Catalogue, or UberQuote for short. It is available to the public. Just click on the link here or the one over here. Or click on the the word “UberQuote” above, or the one you just read.

6th Ask Josh. Re: Obama

In Uncategorized on July 27, 2008 at 12:11 am


WhazZUP! whats the deal with “senator” barak obama???? do you lik him or Love him?



I don’t believe I have ever harbored any prejudicial feelings towards any race.  If i ever did, I have long since left them behind. So what I say, I say objectively. I realize that by making this disclaimer I could be accused of using an anti-racism preamble as a defense mechanism of my deep racist freudian underpinnings, but it isn’t. I’m just telling you, I’m not racist. I am thrilled that America has reached the point where a member of a minority group is within striking distance of the White House. My only grievance: why him? Why couldn’t it be someone with experience in the White House like Colin Powell or Condoleeza Rice?

I will grant you that he is a likable person, I will even grant you that he seems to be a person of high moral character. But it seems that his appeal is not based upon what he is but what he isn’t. Not because he is a qualified, seasoned, politician (which things he definitely isn’t), but because he isn’t old like McCain; not because he is savvy about the economy, but because he hasn’t been in a position where he had the ability to overspend.

I saw him speak in Berlin last Thursday. I sincerely gave him my ear. I waited for him to say something of substance. But all I heard was empty rhetoric. “This is our time!” Our time for what? Whose time? “This is our moment!” What? To overthrow the establishment and set up a government where this Ivanhoe-esque hero takes from the haves and gives more to the have-nots. “We need to unite the world!” Okay. Good one.

The fact that he made the speech in Berlin at all seemed a little presumptuous to me. There he stands where former great presidents took a specific stand despite unpopularity from other nations. Prior to visiting Berlin, President John Fitzgerald Kennedy said, “Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty. This much we pledge — and more.”

Try to imagine Obama pledging to defend liberty at any cost. No, that’s not his way. He is more of the appeasing, conceding type. He tells the anti-Americans and disgruntled Americans alike. “Your country has failed you.” As opposed to “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” No, he blames all the problems on the government and thereby makes people think that it’s not the people who are ever at fault, but the Oval Office devoid of Obama.

President Kennedy would later visit Berlin and make his famous “Ich bin ein Berliner” speech where he said “Freedom is indivisible, and when one man is enslaved, all are not free.” There he had congratulated the people of Berlin for their patience and stalwartness against communist oppression, but not until after he had himself anguished under the mantle of the presidency during the Cold War. What has Barry Obama done for Berlin? He has criticized the administration that has tried to make liberty possible for a country perhaps not so affluent and ancestrally tied to many Americans. In a similar scenario, I can picture Barry saying, “Well, the situation isn’t great in Iraq, but whatcha gonna do? As long as Europe likes me, I don’t care if the Middle East tears itself apart. The Middle East problem will just sort of go away if we look the other way. But France liking us? Now that’s the change we should believe in!”

Our current president has taken a similar stance, as a nation, we have paid the price, borne the burden, met the hardship, supported the friends, and opposed the foes, and we still do. Our president has received no small criticism for it, and on more than just one occasion has Mr. Obama lifted his heel against him. Yet he stands in the place where President Ronald Reagan stood up to the world power of the Soviet Union and said the timeless words, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall.”

Our current president was so bold as to tell the tyrannous Saddam Hussein that he had 48 hours to get out of Iraq. I just don’t see Barack doing that. In fact, according to him, it would be better if Saddam were still in power. It would be better if we had never gone in.

I am still in awe at the presumption of Mr. Obama in speaking in Berlin, almost as if he was taking credit for the work that past presidents have performed and acting as if he was just trying to get re-elected after his 40-some odd years of just being a good person while others did the unpopular work.

If I am off the mark in my assessment of Obama’s attitude in campaigning, I am not too far off the mark when I say that the next presidency will be the most difficult yet for any president. And we don’t need a rookie to just pick it up as he goes along.

5th Ask Josh – I’m still unmarried

In Uncategorized on July 24, 2008 at 12:20 am

josh, how is it possible that i am still unmarried? given that i am an lds female from california and first had a boyfriend at age 12, mathematically i should have been married last year. it has been statistically regressed!


Dear LDS female from California,

Given that this question is very similar to the last question, if not in content then by feelings behind it perhaps, you pose a legitimate challenge to me to give a fresh response that can be rooted in the same ideas without repeating myself.

Before I even attempt to answer your question, I first have to point out perhaps a flaw in your math. You say that mathematically you should have been married last year on account of your steady dating at the age of 12. Statistically, LDS youth who start dating at an early age are 32% more likely to engage in steady dating and consequently are 27% more sexually active at an early age. I don’t have any evidence to support the idea that early dating means early marriage, though I don’t deny that such evidence may exist.

May I be so egotistical as to assume that the statistical regression you speak of is my dating regression I cited in my last article. The fact that you thought the regression pertained to you at all tells me that you must either be a BYU student or at least a resident in the Provo/Orem area. If you should have been married a year ago, as your question begs, you must be 21 years old now as statistically, the ones who do get married are on the average married at about 20 for the girls and 22 for the guys.

The regression was used to predict the frequency of dates you go on, not the frequency of marriages. From experience I have seen many shy people marry the first person they date, on the other hand I have seen experienced daters who are sought after by many for dates yet still remain single. Just as we should not mistake movement for progress, nor should we confuse action with results, neither should we confuse dating ages and frequencies with marriage.

Judging by how you look so much at the numbers and facts, I can guess that maybe you listen to your head and sometimes less to your heart (cheesy as that may sound), allow me to illustrate: When a guy shows interest in you and takes you out on a first date. What do you pay most attention to? Do you ask yourself whether or not you two are getting along? Does he make you laugh? Does he make you feel important? Does he listen? Or are your questions more along the lines of whether he would blend in well in your family photo? How does he size up compared to the guy I pictured in my head? Can I stand to be with someone who dresses like that? Do I approve of his hobbies? Do we have enough in common? Instead of treating relationships like an inventory where you check off qualifications for a job, maybe you should just stop thinking so much and just feel your way through.

That said, I shall now attempt to answer your question. Considering what I know about you, you must have showed some degree of charm and/or beauty at an early age if you were able to get at least one boy to commit to boyfriendship during early adolescence (though I can’t imagine the relationship going much deeper than him walking next to you silently between classes in middle school and then hugging each other goodbye as you got on your separate buses, but I digress).

So, as charming and beautiful as you might be, LDS female from California, you must feel like something must be wrong if you aren’t statistically “on schedule.” Assuming that you assume that you must have a problem, I think you may be a bit like the blind girl in Rabindranath Tagore’s poem:

One morning in the flower garden a blind girl came to offer me a flower chain in the cover of a lotus leaf. I put it round my neck, and tears came to my eyes. I kissed her and said, “You are blind even as the flowers are. “You yourself know not how beautiful is your gift.”

You being blind to your own beautiful gift, perhaps think that there is something wrong with your suitors. I imagine you get suspicious of anyone who shows interest in you at all. Not to worry though, you probably share the same mentality as a few great minds, to wit:

Abraham Lincoln – “I have now come to the conclusion never again to think of marrying; and for this reason; I can never be satisfied with any one who would be blockhead enough to have me.”

Boyd K. Packer (also Grouch Marx) “There is a phenomenon involved in courtship that is as strange as anything in human behavior. When a boy and a girl start to relate to one another, if the boy feels a heavy attraction for a girl and pursues her too strongly, surely he will be repulsed. And if a girl is too forward with a boy to whom she is attracted, he will reject her immediately. About all she has to do is telephone him twice and that ends that. While it is absolutely necessary that this deep attraction take place, if one or the other of the partners makes an expression of it too soon, the relationship is destroyed. In the early stages of courtship, if that happens, we say something like this: ‘I can’t stand anybody who really wants me.’ It reminds me of Groucho Marx, who received an invitation to join a prominent San Fransisco club. He sent the invitation back with a notation, ‘Any club that would have people like me in it isn’t fit to join.'”

Solomon “I am sick of love” (Song of Solomon 2:5).

Goethe “If I love you, what business is it of yours?”

I can say that I have had experiences where I chased after certain girls and the moment they started liking me in return, I suddenly was turned off. I have also had experiences where I was pursued, stalked even, by girls I had no interest in. The moment they stopped, I got concerned and started going back after them. Not that I was trying to play games. There was just something of a paradigm shift somewhere during that transfer of pants-wearing in the relationships.
I know you want a better answer than that, and I’ll try to get that to you. Coming back to your question, I hope this gives you perhaps something to think about as you ask yourself why you are still unmarried despite your dating history. And maybe you just have some adjusting to do in how you demonstrate love and how you respond to it.

Or maybe it’s something as simple as bad breath or a fear of commitment with a less-than-perfect guy.

4th Ask Josh: Corollary to how to get a guy

In Uncategorized on July 23, 2008 at 10:26 pm

I wanted to make sure that I wasn’t giving false information regarding the girl to guy ratio in the Church. In the book “Latter-day Saint Social Life”, edited by James T. Duke, I found out that (note: these statistics are from 1990) women in the Church far outnumbered the men in every continent and region except Africa.

For every 100 women in Africa, there were approximately 120 men in the Church.
In South America, Europe, and Mexico/Central America, women outnumbered men 100 to 80. In Eastern U.S. the girl to guy ratio was 100:90
In Western U.S. the girl to guy ratio was 100:93
In Utah, the girl to guy ration was 100:95.

Overall, there is a pretty equal guy to girl ratio in the 20-25 year range. But from 25-29 there are noticeably more women than men.

The statistics become less and less impressive as we get closer and closer to Utah. But the data still make the point: sometimes there just aren’t enough guys.

4th Ask Josh Inquiry: How to Get a Guy

In Uncategorized on July 23, 2008 at 7:30 pm
what can i do to improve my standing towards the opposite sex?


Dear [blank],

I assume you are a girl because no guy I know would ask me how to get a girl. And guys who know know that I am a guy who does not know. I can also assume that you have read a lot of Jane Austen novels because you may be like one of those girls who assumes that if a young man moves in, it must be for the purpose of marrying you.

I get this question about once a year. Usually during summertime when it seems that everyone is getting married except you.

Now, getting guys is in many ways like spraying weeds. There is no one solution for everything because there are so many dreaded types, I believe it goes without saying that when I say dreaded I mean both the number of types and the types themselves. But the correct mixture can often give you the desired results for the kind you are focusing on. But of course, there are no guaranteed results, my backyard can attest to that, and my frontyard too for that matter.

Before I get into the bulk of my musings, I very much hope not to make you question your worth. The way the world tells us to improve ourselves via shows like “America’s Next Top Model” and “The Swan” and “What Not to Wear” and “Fashion Police” and so on, and so on, we are made to think that despite our best efforts, even the best of us will never be “enough.”

Jeffrey R. Holland said it better in his address to the females of the Church, “Frankly, the world has been brutal with you in this regard” (“To Young Women,” Ensign, Nov 2005, 28).

I don’t speak for all men. But here are a few items that I have been looking for since I heard them. I have made these into something of a checklist that I try to live up to myself.

Elder Holland in the same talk cited earlier mentioned an anonymous author who said “the loveliest women she had known had a glow of health, a warm personality, a love of learning, stability of character, and integrity. If we may add the sweet and gentle Spirit of the Lord carried by such a woman, then this describes the loveliness of women in any age or time” (Ibid.).

Elder Russell M. Nelson gave this advice to an audience of BYU pre-med students. “Pick a good wife, one who loves the Lord and you second,” he said. “If she loves him first, she will have more capacity to love you” (qtd. in Daily Universe, Feb. 22, 2008. p. 1).

At the risk of sounding preachy, may I suggest that you not let your hunger for companionship now cause you to forget eternal principles. Remember who the first Man in your life is. And trust that He knows what He is doing if for some reason you feel that all this working and waiting just isn’t worth it. And it says that as you love Him first, as Elder Nelson pointed out, you will have more capacity to love others and therefore be more lovable.

Elder Earl C. Tingey said this, “Be willing to sit down with a trusted friend and ask this question: What would you recommend I do to improve my physical appearance? Listen to what he or she says. Do not be offended, but take to heart his or her counsel. If necessary, joyfully and happily improve yourself, whether it involves having a smile on your face, losing weight, or changing your hairstyle, grooming, clothing, mannerisms, personal hygiene, or anything else” (“The Simple Truths From Heaven–The Lord’s Pattern,” CES Fireside for Young Adults • January 13, 2008 • Brigham Young University).

Some Bible scholars will say that we live a gospel of misdirection, of counterintuition. We are told to put off our natural man tendencies. To find our lives we must lose it. We are told to love our enemies. When smitten, we are told to turn the other cheek. While I do not necessarily agree that we believe in the gospel of misdirection, I still find the idea interesting. May I suggest that an irrequisite amount of focus on “gettin’ a man” may actually cause the opposite to happen. If your all-encompassing obsession is getting men, you may very well end up attracting the men you probably were trying to avoid in the first place.

If your all-consuming desire is to attract men, you may find yourself doing the things that attract men you would be better off not associating with.

It also shows when anyone comes off as perhaps a little too eager for commitment. I am sure there may be a handful out in the world who just love the feeling that they are completely needed by their significant other or they’ll die, but for the rest of us, neediness is not attractive.

When we go months, perhaps years without going on any dates we naturally would assume that there is something wrong with us. This is a false notion, one of the hardest things for me to see when I attend a Singles’ branch is that there are far more great women than there are good guys, and most of those good guys are too shy to ask girls out on a date. When girls assume that all the good guys are out on dates with a girl every weekend, there may be a tendency to think “the body of men have deemed me ‘not good enough'” A terrible idea for anyone to have about themselves, and a false one at that. The truth is that many great women just go overlooked by no fault of their own. There just aren’t enough guys to go around. Many missionaries can attest that women are often more receptive to the message then men, they often have fewer vices to overcome. This trend has been almost universal throughout the Church.

In a political science survey I conducted in October 2007, I surveyed about 200 LDS singles, primarily those living in the Provo/Orem area. I found the results interesting, men went on 50% more dates than did women. I thought to myself, “This is impossible, something must be wrong.” No, the data wasn’t wrong. On average, for every two dates the average girl went on, the average guy went on three. Why? Think of it this way. If you lived in a population that was %60 women and 40% men (and the BYU student body really isn’t that far off from that), or reduce it to a population of 5 people: 2 guys and 3 girls. Even if every guy took out one girl on a given night, one third of the female population would still be sitting home alone. One third of all girls would not be going on dates even if all men had mustered up the courage and the funds to go out that night.

I know, that isn’t so encouraging. You may be thinking, “Gee thanks for the data, Josh. But the numbers don’t put a ring on my finger.” That’s true, but I hope that at least helps you realize that it’s not like you have a problem or something. There are only so many guys to go around, and they almost always manage to marry someone out of their league because there are simply more potential mates to choose from. The ease by which many men have found ways to “marry up” as it were, has perhaps lead to the steady decline of the quality of men you see around you. Too often men realize that they can get a girl without having to improve themselves much.

Elder D. Todd Christofferson, then member of the presidency of the Seventy expressed my concern in his own way. He said, “Over the years, I have visited members of the Church in many countries, and despite differences in circumstances and cultures, everywhere I have been impressed with the faith and capacity of our women, including some of the very young. So many of them possess a remarkable faith and goodness. They know the scriptures. They are poised and confident. I ask myself, Do we have men to match these women? Are our young men developing into worthy companions that such women can look up to and respect?”(“Let Us Be Men,” Ensign, Nov 2006, 46–48).

I share a similar sentiment. Women, on the whole, have far surpassed, as if they were ever behind in the first place, men on this planet.

Perhaps rather than focusing on all your weaknesses, which we all have and of which we are all so painfully aware, keep improving what you are already doing right. So often when we receive suggestions we may think to ourselves, “How about something I don’t know for a change?” It’s an attitude all too common among Church members after Conference. Well, quit looking for new bad things about yourself and keep improving what you have already been just starting to do well. Don’t settle for just better health, go for optimum health. Don’t just be a passing student, be a great student. Why be happy with musical adequacy when you can strive for musical expertise, and that goes for whatever talents you are simply “okay” at. I carefully say don’t be content to look better, look your best.

In all cases, seek to raise the bar for yourself always. When the Church raised the bar for prospective missionaries, the message was directed primarily to the young men. But the same principle applies to everyone. Times are changing, and we have to compete with a world that is looking for ways to pay you less and less for your current worth. Our choices, then, are to stay where we are and blame the world for not accepting us the way we are, or we can choose to constantly improve and appreciate in value. This applies to everyone because we all can improve something, so there is always something to do.

With all this, I cannot promise you’ll find a dream guy and you will say, “Gee, I’m sure glad that I listened to Josh.” But dating or not, married or not, at least you’ll be someone that you can live with.

3rd Ask Josh Inquiry: So You Think You Can Dance online

In Uncategorized on July 22, 2008 at 1:38 pm

Kelda writes:

can you find full episodes of SYTYCD online? and where? I want to watch what i’ve missed.


Dear Kelda,

I am so glad that you have taken an interest in watching the full episodes of So You Think You Can Dance, though I do not appreciate your abbreviating the full name of said show. I have never found a need to look up full episodes online because I have them all recorded on TiVo. In fact, we watched two 2-hour episodes yesterday, we were very happy.

You can find some clips at But I recommend finding out the names of the songs the dancers danced to, then entering the names of the song on YouTube. 9 times out of 10 you will find the clip of the dancers. If that doesn’t work, just input the names of the dancers.

Some of my favorite dances this year include
Chelsie and Mark – “Bleeding Love” by Leona Lewis
Will and Katee – “Rockin’ the Boat”
Chelsie and Gev “House is a Rockin” by Brian Setzer
Will and Katee – “Imagine” by David Archuleta
Will and Jessica “Alone” by Heart.
Twitch and Kehrington, or ‘Twitchington’ dancing to “A New Day” by Celine Dion
Really I love anything Chelsie or Katee do.

From previous seasons my all time favorites would have to be

Neil and Sabra “Sweet Dreams” by Eurythmics
Neil and Lauren “Night of the Dancing Flame”
Lauren and Pasha “En Fuego” by Pitbull
Season 3 top 12 dancing to “Sexyback” by Justin Timberlake

I love Lauren.

2nd Ask Josh Inquiry. Re: Pygmies

In Uncategorized on July 20, 2008 at 7:22 pm

And why do pygmy marmosets eat their young? – Nike85

Dear Nike85,

Pygmy marmosets eat their young for the same reason your parents pay for you to go to college.

Let us examine the pygmy marmoset family. We will call them the Los Curly family. The Los Curly family consists of Sr. and Sra. Curly, Juanito (but we’ll call him Lowell), the pygmy that looks like Juanito and is in love with a Texan Marmoset named Amos Cerro (We’ll call him Juan), and D and Bubb Rubb. Those are the names of the pygmies in this spscific troop/gaggle/pride/clan of pygmies. Specifically, they want Lowell out of the house. More than anything they want Lowell gone. They try to export Lowell to a place like the Philippines by hiding him in a crate of auto parts or fake Mac Notebooks. When they find out that Little Lowell broke his patay off in a dadong, and he can’t stop laughing about it. So they eat him.

Maybe if Lowell wasn’t so pushy about his sojourn to the New York Zoo his parents would have decided to let him live long enough to reproduce, but no. Lowell allows his co-pygmies buy fake cologne without warning him and he ends up losing 45 pygmy-bucks on a Acqua Pyg Mio and Tommy Pygmy. Therefore Lowell must not live.

1st Ask Josh Inquiry. RE: Neil Diamond

In Uncategorized on July 19, 2008 at 1:09 am

Our first inquiry into the Ask Josh series has come in. DiamondFan4Evr writes:

“Dear Josh, I love the musical stylings of Neil Diamond. He is the greatest singer/songwriter of this or any other generation. My question is this: where does he get his ideas?”

Dear DiamondFan4Evr,

First of all, allow me to compliment your name. And I must agree with you, Neil Leslie “the Diamond Cutter” Diamond is indeed the greatest singer/songwriter of this or any other generation. I would like to commend you in the style of Robert Shaw portraying King Henry VIII in the film adaptation of Robert Bolt’s A Man For All Seasons. To wit, “Why, your taste in music is excellent! It coincides exactly with my own! Look, mud!”

Known by members of the gentile community as “The Jewish Elvis,” Mr. Diamond’s musical genius has oft been lampooned, even mocked in “comedy” shows such as Saving Silverman and Saturday Night Live. Here are some of the ideas submitted:

Red Red Wine – Neil “Robert Frost” Diamond’s psychic powers knew that a certain group named UB40 would be looking for a song about raging alcoholism. Diamond obliged them by writing the song just as his gift to the reggae community. And my I say, it “make me feel so fine all of the time.”

Coming to America – “Few people realize that I am fueled creatively by my massive hatred of immigrants. Gary and I have gone on for hours about how much we hate foreigners. I wrote this song expressing my love of this great country, and my intense hatred of all people with dark skin.” That of course is what Saturday Night Live would make you think. Coming to America is actually an anagram for Co-Ming-Toma Rice, the birth name of current Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice. You see, Neil Diamond prophesied her ascension to the presidency in the year 2020 at the conclusion of Mitt Romney’s third term.

Heartlight – Mr. Diamond is credited with saying, “Because my musical training has been limited, I’ve never been restricted by what technical musicians might call a song.” Given this freedom, Neil has sought inspiration from sometimes unorthodox parts of whatever culture he lives in. The song “Heartlight” actually comes from E.T. when the Elliot tells a dead E.T. that he loves him. The necromancing powers of love between the boy and his dead alien friend set E.T. aglow. His heart literally lights up and remains so through the conclusion of the film. Mr. Diamond was so touched by this seen and reminded him of when he was once buried alive for 6 whole days and he said he would have been discovered alive earlier had he had a glowing heart of his own. Since he could not get his own heart to glow, he made the petition to the world through song for all people to “turn on your heartlight.”


In Uncategorized on July 19, 2008 at 12:32 am

Dear Readers,

As many of you may know, I love to give unsolicited advice. I also love giving answers to life’s toughest questions. I consider myself the Great Guest Guru of relationships, careers, collectible items, etymology, random facts, quotations of all kinds, investments, history, literature, current events, BYUSA, and of course relationships. But enough about me. This is about you.

Since I can only give so much unsolicited advice, I want you to start picking my brain regarding your toughest quandaries and conundrums. Simply submit your questions by posting your questions or perhaps just your complaints or concerns on this post you see before you. You may do it under a blogger username or you may submit anonymously. All entries will be considered regardless of the source, content, or the potential of making Josh uncomfortable.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely yours,

The staff.